PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPSACS, SLAS & AACC NuEdge, Vizient, Premier, ProVista GPO members NAICS CODES339112, 325414 |
CORPORATE PROFILEAgathos Laboratories, Inc. (ALI) is a California C-Corporation, headquartered in San Jose. We are a distributor of laboratory, medical, safety, and EMS supplies, consumables, and equipment. ALI was incorporated in 2012 and possesses the certifications shown to the left. We provide our customers with some of the lowest prices because we strive for ‘direct’ relationships with manufacturers and frugally negotiate bargain price contracts with savings we can pass-on to our customers. As part of this effort, we are a member of the following Group Purchasing Organizations (GPO: NuEdge, Vizient (formerly Novation), ProVista, and Premier, Inc. ALI’s focus on the economic and efficient management of procurement services, our excellent customer service philosophy, and attention to detail sets us apart from the competition. We aim to exceed our customer’s expectations. Since its inception, ALI has been awarded numerous federal, state, and local government contracts. SUPPLIER ID # 1738114 || CBE # C3465683 || DUNS # 078358549 || CAGE CODE 6N1S4 || EIN 90-0785179 || SELLERS’ PERMIT# SRGH102-230817 || BTRC# 000283373200010 Printer Friendly Version: Laboratory Testing; Product Sales; Both Divisions LABORATORY CAPABILITIESUnlike our competitors (large or small), we offer our clients not one but a multiple of major testing laboratory brands to service their needs. All laboratories have their strengths and weaknesses so when you choose a single laboratory; you get all it comes with – “the good, the bad, and the ugly.” By choosing ALI you only commit to the BEST of laboratory services. Our business model is predicated on real competition between labs for the sole benefit of our clients. ALI’s focus on the economic and efficient management of laboratory testing services coupled with our excellent customer service and attention to detail sets us apart from the competition. We aim to exceed your expectations. ALI LABORATORY VALUE PROPOSITION
ALI LAB & MEDICAL PRODUCT VALUE PROPOSITION➢ Lab supplies, equipment, and consumables sales |